To be frank I don't understand where all the time goes? Tuesday September 20 will be a day for 4 of the team of 8 leaving for the Philippines. Robert, & Robbie Newsom, myself and Karli Carmon will spend a few days in Surigao City with Charlie and then we will come back to the island of Cebu and pick up Jack Newsom, Jay Sanders, Justin Sanders and Mike Sellers as they will arrive on the 27th. We then will prepare to leave early the next morning for a short flight to the southern part of the island of Mindanao in the city of Davao. We will spend 5 days doing medical, dental, optical Clinics and as always presenting the gospel and also working with the children. We will joined by our very own Missionary Shauna Hefner and Philippines Fruitful Harvest Coordinator, Dr. Lina Dumale and two of our FH seminary students, Jamin Morales and Floramae Salas. We anticipate a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit as we join and conduct this effort under the direction Col. Ramon Sawan. Our spirits are high. Please continue to look for updates via this blog as I have Internet connection. God bless all of you that has contributed financially to this effort. May the Lord bless you.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
I will try and catch you up in the next few days. The Lord is good and the blessings are abundant in the Kingdom of God.
Charlie arrived home on May 7th after spending 3 productive months on the mission field. A short time was had getting acclimated and preparing for the trip back along with 27 others. This is our annual medical mission conducted each year to help the less fortunate in the Philippines. This year we coordinated our efforts with Compassion for the Fatherless, a ministry based in Sulphur Springs that provides awareness, education and service to orphans and adopting parents. The trip was a huge success with us visiting two orphanages in addition to conducting clinics for 4 days. This was our first endeavor to offer VBS to children in the orphanages and those that came to the clincs and in churches. VBS leaders and helpers ministered to a 1,000 children. God was so good in multiplying the supplies as we had prepared for only 600. Thanks to our awesome VBS director Christy McMorris, children's workers and FH seminary students for a job well done.
"Team Philippines" consisted of 16 first timers and 23 of the 28 being from our church, New Beginnings Fellowship, Sulphur Springs, TX. During the clinics there were 1,043 medical patients seen with the pharmacy dispensing around 4,000 prescriptions. Optical clinic fitted 866 people with reading glasses; 1,484 made decisions for Christ; test were administered for blood sugar and blood pressure was taken. The dental clinic saw over a hundred patients with many teeth extracted.
To God be the glory........more later!
Charlie arrived home on May 7th after spending 3 productive months on the mission field. A short time was had getting acclimated and preparing for the trip back along with 27 others. This is our annual medical mission conducted each year to help the less fortunate in the Philippines. This year we coordinated our efforts with Compassion for the Fatherless, a ministry based in Sulphur Springs that provides awareness, education and service to orphans and adopting parents. The trip was a huge success with us visiting two orphanages in addition to conducting clinics for 4 days. This was our first endeavor to offer VBS to children in the orphanages and those that came to the clincs and in churches. VBS leaders and helpers ministered to a 1,000 children. God was so good in multiplying the supplies as we had prepared for only 600. Thanks to our awesome VBS director Christy McMorris, children's workers and FH seminary students for a job well done.
"Team Philippines" consisted of 16 first timers and 23 of the 28 being from our church, New Beginnings Fellowship, Sulphur Springs, TX. During the clinics there were 1,043 medical patients seen with the pharmacy dispensing around 4,000 prescriptions. Optical clinic fitted 866 people with reading glasses; 1,484 made decisions for Christ; test were administered for blood sugar and blood pressure was taken. The dental clinic saw over a hundred patients with many teeth extracted.
To God be the glory........more later!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I apologize for the delay in writing reports and updates. Charlie is on his way home today, Saturday, May 7, and will have many pictures for me to upload and send out to show you latest progress reports.
The new church on highway 1 has been completed with the exception of a few details in the kitchen undone. Once this is done it will allow the church to offer a feeding program for the under fed children in the community. Funds ran out before this could be concluded. Services are now being held in the afternoon under the authority of New Beginnings Fellowship in Sabang with several of the trained students conducting the teaching and preaching.
Also, the girls dorm is complete with a few minor things undone. The electricity should be added in a few days by one of the Sabang church members and the plumbing completed by the carpenter. Pastor Gerry says it should house 16 Filipino girls, it is not a large room but they are accustomed to living in small quarters unlike us spoiled Americans. The latest number of girls attending school is now up from 2 to 7. Praise the Lord. This means you have the opportunity to sponsor one of these girls for $50.00 a month.
Another area of development is the church/seminary permanent building. Praise the Lord as He has provided the funds last fall to purchase the land. It has taken all this time to receive the building permit for this building from the city. This had to be in place since the building will be two levels and built to withstand earthquakes. The construction work has been slow, but there is some progress. The beams are in place, but because of much rain the holes continue to fill with water and has to pumped out before the concrete can be added. The funds for this project has also ran out. We are trusting the Lord for his provisions for He has never let us down yet.
I will end this report for now for I know it should not be too long. More to come with pictures once Charlie returns.
Blessings to all of you and many thanks for your prayers and support.
The new church on highway 1 has been completed with the exception of a few details in the kitchen undone. Once this is done it will allow the church to offer a feeding program for the under fed children in the community. Funds ran out before this could be concluded. Services are now being held in the afternoon under the authority of New Beginnings Fellowship in Sabang with several of the trained students conducting the teaching and preaching.
Also, the girls dorm is complete with a few minor things undone. The electricity should be added in a few days by one of the Sabang church members and the plumbing completed by the carpenter. Pastor Gerry says it should house 16 Filipino girls, it is not a large room but they are accustomed to living in small quarters unlike us spoiled Americans. The latest number of girls attending school is now up from 2 to 7. Praise the Lord. This means you have the opportunity to sponsor one of these girls for $50.00 a month.
Another area of development is the church/seminary permanent building. Praise the Lord as He has provided the funds last fall to purchase the land. It has taken all this time to receive the building permit for this building from the city. This had to be in place since the building will be two levels and built to withstand earthquakes. The construction work has been slow, but there is some progress. The beams are in place, but because of much rain the holes continue to fill with water and has to pumped out before the concrete can be added. The funds for this project has also ran out. We are trusting the Lord for his provisions for He has never let us down yet.
I will end this report for now for I know it should not be too long. More to come with pictures once Charlie returns.
Blessings to all of you and many thanks for your prayers and support.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
In late March the FH Seminary Students passed out "Blessing Bags" at City Jail, Provincial Jail and City Health Facility in the Surigao City province. They did this under the supervision of John Kinsey, Pastor Apple (Paul) and the members of their New Beginnings Church in Rizal. The funds were provided through the donations of those in the USA for this project. A total of 350 bags were given out which included laundry soap, personal soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and candies. There were enough funds left to continue giving supplies to inmates who have perfect attendance to the church services conducted by the Fruitful Harvest representatives. In addition to blessing these needy folks with material needs they also heard the gospel message preached with some accepting Jesus as their personal Savior.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Wrong Diagnosis: Dear Friends, This is a “Praise the Lord” Report. Remember, we are talking about the Philippines and this happens often with many things where you think you know what’s going on but you don’t. After more discussion this lady was bitten a year ago! Since rabies is common there, when she began to have “fits” they all assumed that was the problem. She has been in the hospital for a week and they believe she has epilepsy. This is treatable and we believe all is well. I will keep you posted. I know many of you have not even read the first email for the prayer but we appreciate all of you that prayed in the late hours last night. I know I would wake up all through the night and pray for that dear lady and children. God is good and answered our prayers as I see it. What we thought to be an impossible situation God knew it wasn’t! Nothing is impossible with Him, for He always has the last say. Blessings to you all, Melba
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Dear Friends, I'm not sure if I can write this without wiping tears. Charlie just called and said we have serious situation. A lady that is a member at the Brashear Baptist Church in Day-Asan was bitten by a rabid dog some time ago. She was told to go to the doctor when the dog died but they are very poor and didn't have the money. She now has rabies and is untreatable. This ladies husband is Pastor Sammy's wife's brother. They have three children ages 2, 4 and 6. The children are now at an aunt’s home but the aunt’s husband does not want them there. The dad wants them out of that home and is going to take them to social services. Charlie wants to prevent that from happening. They all need prayer on what to do for the children to be in a good home. The folks at Sabang, Bro. Gerry, his wife Susan, Missionary Shauna and the students said they could take care of the children to just bring them there. Our prayer is for the Lord to reveal to Charlie and those involved the best place for these children to go. For wisdom and finances to take care of their needs and for loving family members that could take them in. This family was in the process of moving into the Brashear Baptist Church Building to be there to watch over it and take care of it. Charlie says that perhaps once moved in and with help the father could take care of his children. Just need much wisdom. Charlie says the mother will not make it, too far advanced. She nursed the 2 year old and he hadn't even thought about the effect that might have on the baby. Please pray, for this is no coincidence in the Kingdom of God with us praying about building an orphanage, for this could be our first three orphans! MELBA
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
This is the Motto Rally Cry of the Fruitful Harvest Baptist Theological Seminary Students in Surigao City, Philippines:
I Am A Disciple Of JesusI’m part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have Holy Spirit power. The dye has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I’m a disciple of His. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I’m finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, “chincy” giving, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by presence, lean by faith, walk by patience, lift by prayer and labor by power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide reliable, my Mission clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won’t give up, shut up, or let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, preached up for the cause of Christ. I AM A DISCIPLE OF JESUS. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me --- my colors will be clear.
Authorship and title are in discrepancy. Through internet research, two probable authors & titles have been located. They are as follows: i) The Fellowship of the Unashamed, by David Guinn and ii) I Am A Disciple Of Jesus Christ, by Bob Moorhead.
Dear Friends of the Ministry, Thank each and everyone for the support that you give. I'm just a little discouraged as to the lack of comments and followers on this blog. Please let me know what I can do to make it more appealing for the reader. I'm sure there is a better way to get the word out and I'm just a pilgrim seeking to learn how to function in this electronic world.
Blessings abundantly to you all, Melba
Blessings abundantly to you all, Melba
Monday, February 28, 2011
More on the Students Preaching!
Nap Nap & Russel
The two students from Big Roger's church in General Santos, Nap Nap and Russel, were permitted to go home to witness to their lost family members. Nap Nap preached at Pastor Roger's church and 4 adults were saved and Russel preached at the mission church in the mountains. Big Roger said in his text to Charlie that these boys were on fire for God.
Student Jamin, Pastor Sammy's son, preached at Pastor Al's Church on Sunday morning.
Student Jem Boy preached at First Brashear in the absence of Pastor Mejares as his son AJ was taken to hospital. Jem Boy also preached Sunday night at Pastor John Kinsey's church. They are getting alot of practice and doing a great job.
Students Sharing the Gospel to Family!
Levi & Flor
Student Flor's grandpa got sick on the island of Siargao in Barangay Pillar and it was serious enough that he was allowed to go for a visit. As he visited he led him to the Lord plus 27 other family members and neighbors. It seems a church is being birthed in Pillar which is Dr. Lina's home. He went back with student Levi who is also from Pillar this weekend and they held Bible Studies in homes on Friday & Saturday night and had church service on Sunday with 17 adults and 17 children in attendance. Please pray that the Lord would provide a pastor for this church.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Charlie's return to the Philippines
Saturday Night February 12, 2011:
Charlie made it safely to Sabang with a warm welcome. A new podium was waiting with the Fruitful Harvest logo. Someone has been very busy and is very talented. The men's Bible Study Group took up offerings while he was in the states to surprise him. A very touching gift.
The Brashear Baptist Church in Day-Asan now has a concrete floor, a porch and a drain has also been put in all around the outside of the building to prevent water from coming in. Thank you Fruitful Harvest Seminary Students for your hard work.
The students go out witnessing on Wednesday and Saturday. As they traveled a few miles away to another village 80 accepted Jesus as their Savior. These new converts are coming to the church in Sabang but they want one in their village. Charlie visited and meet with one of the new converts that will donate land for the building. Praise the Lord! It is in a farming area that is thriving with vegetables. Charlie inquired about purchasing vegetables for the students meals and found out they needed fertilizer but couldn't afford it. A deal was agreed upon for FH to provide the fertilizer for free vegetables. In addition they will teach our students how to grow crops. At this time the land owners son owns a jeepney and will provide transportation each Sunday to bring everyone to church in Sabang until they have their own.
The students go out witnessing on Wednesday and Saturday. As they traveled a few miles away to another village 80 accepted Jesus as their Savior. These new converts are coming to the church in Sabang but they want one in their village. Charlie visited and meet with one of the new converts that will donate land for the building. Praise the Lord! It is in a farming area that is thriving with vegetables. Charlie inquired about purchasing vegetables for the students meals and found out they needed fertilizer but couldn't afford it. A deal was agreed upon for FH to provide the fertilizer for free vegetables. In addition they will teach our students how to grow crops. At this time the land owners son owns a jeepney and will provide transportation each Sunday to bring everyone to church in Sabang until they have their own.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Today February 7, 2011. Great and mighty God things are going on. The holiday season keeps us very busy and therefore I have not been doing a very good job at blogging. To keep this short I will not try to fill you in at this time. Charlie returned home from the Philippines on December 1, 2010. It has been a blessed time at home. Christmas with family was enjoyable but bitter sweet as it was the first without Charlie's mom.Many thanks for the invitations to all the churches that allowed him to give updates. A sad note as on Christmas Day night our good friend and partner in ministry Landis Downing of King City, MO went on to be with the Lord. We made the trip there and Charlie held the service and between 15-20 made provisions of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory. More to share about what the Lord is doing concerning the future for the Memorial "Landis' Lighthouse Orphanage" in the Philippines.
Today Charlie will catch a 6:00P.M. flight back to the Philippines. He will be there until May 7th. I will be here overseeing the daily operation of the ministry and taking a small team to Davao, Philippines on April 3rd-15th. As usual there will be a team going to Surigao City, Philippines leaving June 6th-18th. This team at this time is made up of 30 members and 18 of them are first timers. Only God knows what is in store. We covet your prayers.
Today Charlie will catch a 6:00P.M. flight back to the Philippines. He will be there until May 7th. I will be here overseeing the daily operation of the ministry and taking a small team to Davao, Philippines on April 3rd-15th. As usual there will be a team going to Surigao City, Philippines leaving June 6th-18th. This team at this time is made up of 30 members and 18 of them are first timers. Only God knows what is in store. We covet your prayers.
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