I will try and catch you up in the next few days. The Lord is good and the blessings are abundant in the Kingdom of God.
Charlie arrived home on May 7th after spending 3 productive months on the mission field. A short time was had getting acclimated and preparing for the trip back along with 27 others. This is our annual medical mission conducted each year to help the less fortunate in the Philippines. This year we coordinated our efforts with Compassion for the Fatherless, a ministry based in Sulphur Springs that provides awareness, education and service to orphans and adopting parents. The trip was a huge success with us visiting two orphanages in addition to conducting clinics for 4 days. This was our first endeavor to offer VBS to children in the orphanages and those that came to the clincs and in churches. VBS leaders and helpers ministered to a 1,000 children. God was so good in multiplying the supplies as we had prepared for only 600. Thanks to our awesome VBS director Christy McMorris, children's workers and FH seminary students for a job well done.
"Team Philippines" consisted of 16 first timers and 23 of the 28 being from our church, New Beginnings Fellowship, Sulphur Springs, TX. During the clinics there were 1,043 medical patients seen with the pharmacy dispensing around 4,000 prescriptions. Optical clinic fitted 866 people with reading glasses; 1,484 made decisions for Christ; test were administered for blood sugar and blood pressure was taken. The dental clinic saw over a hundred patients with many teeth extracted.
To God be the glory........more later!